1. To open a cowl and to record it in open situation an emphasis. |
2. To turn off on several turns a bolt of fastening of a cover of draft of the lock of a cowl so that the cover of the drive could move freely under a level 10 (see rice. Lock of a cowl and its drive). |
3. To turn out bolts of 1 fastening of the lock of a cowl and a guide 7 and to bring the lock out of a body motor-compartment cross-piece. |
4. To part the ends of a pad of a lead of the 16th lock of a cowl so that the gap between them within 1,5–2 mm was formed. |
5. To bring draft of the drive out of the lock through the formed gap. |
6. To disconnect the lock from the drive, having brought the drive out of a level of the 10th its fastening. |
7. To remove a plastic bracket of fastening of the drive from a motor-compartment cross-piece, having squeezed against the stop its divorced ends which act over a motor-compartment cross-piece surface, and having pressed them in the compressed situation into an opening on a cross-piece. |
8. To remove a drive bracket. |
9. Having passed into interior of the car, to bring a bracket of fastening of a cover out of gearing, having overcome effort of its fixing ledges and to disconnect the drive from a body. |
10. To bring a draft hook out of an opening on the handle 12 of the drive of the lock of a cowl and to extend on itself all drive with a cover assembled. To extend the second of the torn-off ends from a motor-compartment. |
11. To deliver the new drive on the car as it should be, the return to removal, having provided at the same time a gap in 1–1,25 mm between a pad of a lead 16 and the plug of the drive. |