Removal and installation of the back buffer of a body like "pickup". AZLK 2141 (Muscovite)
Service and car repairs of 2141 - the Muscovite.
1. General data
2. Engines
3. Power supply system
4. Cooling system
5. Transmission
6. Running gear
7. Tires, wheels
8. Steering
9. Brake management
10. Body
10.1. Features of a design of bodies of cars of fashion. 2141-01, 2335 and their modifications
10.2. Body fittings
10.2.1. Removal of an upholstery of side doors
10.2.2. Window regulators
10.2.3. Replacement of lowering glass
10.2.4. Possible malfunctions of side doors
10.2.5. Replacement of glasses
10.2.6. Locks and drives of locks of side doors
10.2.7. Replacement of springs of the external handle of a side door
10.2.8. Replacement of the switch of locks of a forward door
10.2.9. Possible malfunctions of locks and drives of side doors
10.2.10. Lock of a cowl and its drive
10.2.11. The body back door lock like "hatchback" and its drive
10.2.12. Replacement of locks of a back board of a body like "pickup"
10.2.13. Removal, installation and adjustment of side doors
10.2.14. Removal of a back door of a body like "hatchback"
10.2.15. Removal, installation and adjustment of a cowl
10.2.16. Removal and installation of a door of a back of a body like "hatchback"
10.2.17. Removal and installation of a back board of a platform of a body like "pickup"
10.2.18. Facing of a radiator
10.2.19. Removal and installation of the forward buffer
10.2.20. Removal and installation of the back buffer of a body like "hatchback"
10.2.21. Removal and installation of the back buffer of a body like "pickup"
10.2.22. Removal and installation of forward wings
10.3. Dashboard
10.4. Ventilation and heating
11. Electric equipment
12. Electrical circuitries



10.2.21. Removal and installation of the back buffer of a body like "pickup"

The steel back buffer 1 (see rice. Fragments of sections of a body like "pickup" on a cargo platform, the back buffer and a back board) a tubular design with welded arms consists of two symmetric parts which are not connected among themselves (right and left).

Each of parts of the buffer fastens to the platform 5 basis in three places: in two places behind and in one sideways. The decorative plastic cap 6 is inserted into a forward end face of each part of the buffer with a tightness. The back ends of parts of the buffer are closed by the back arms welded on the end of a pipe.

Side and back fastening of parts of the buffer is carried out by the bolts 2 screwed in the nuts welded on the basis of a platform and arms of the buffer.

Access is provided to side fastening from below the car, and to back – behind.

10.2.20. Removal and installation of the back buffer of a body like "hatchback"

10.2.22. Removal and installation of forward wings