Check of technical condition of a back suspension bracket. AZLK 2141 (Muscovite)
Service and car repairs of 2141 - the Muscovite.
1. General data
2. Engines
3. Power supply system
4. Cooling system
5. Transmission
6. Running gear
6.1. Forward suspension bracket
6.2. Back suspension bracket
6.2.1. Features of a design of a back suspension bracket of cars of fashion. 2141-01, 21412-01 and their modifications
6.2.2. Check of technical condition of a back suspension bracket on the car
6.2.3. Check of technical condition of a back suspension bracket (in the removed state)
6.2.4. Features of dismantling, assembly and installation of a back suspension bracket
6.2.5. Features of a design of a back suspension bracket of cars of type <пикап>
6.2.6. Technical characteristic of a back suspension bracket
6.2.7. Check of technical condition of a back suspension bracket Beam of a back suspension bracket Main and additional springs of a back suspension bracket Details of fastening of springs, shock-absorbers of a back suspension bracket Protivoskripny laying of springs and collars Dismantling of a spring of a back suspension bracket Features of assembly and installation of a back suspension bracket
6.2.8. Possible malfunctions of a back suspension bracket
6.2.9. Possible malfunctions of racks and shock-absorbers of a back suspension bracket
7. Tires, wheels
8. Steering
9. Brake management
10. Body
11. Electric equipment
12. Electrical circuitries



6.2.7. Check of technical condition of a back suspension bracket

Before check all details should be washed out surely gasoline or kerosene, without allowing hit of liquid on rubber details.

6.2.6. Technical characteristic of a back suspension bracket Beam of a back suspension bracket