Oil pump. AZLK 2141 (Muscovite)
Service and car repairs of 2141 - the Muscovite.
1. General data
2. Engines
3. Power supply system
4. Cooling system
4.1. Thermostat
4.2. Thermal mode of the engine
4.3. Installation of ignition on the engine of fashion. 2106
4.4. Installation of ignition on engines of fashion. 331 and 3317
4.5. Installation of the drive of the distributor of ignition on engines of fashion. 331 and 3317
4.6. Replacement of spark plugs
4.7. Possible malfunctions of engines, their reasons and methods of elimination
4.8. Features of repair of the engine of fashion. 2106
4.9. Features of repair of the engine of fashion. 331, 3317 and 3313
4.9.1. Features of dismantling of engines
4.9.2. Features of assembly of engines
4.9.3. Technical condition of knots and systems of engines of fashion. 331, 3317, 3313 Block of cylinders and sleeve of cylinders Conrod and piston group Bent shaft and flywheel Oil pump Check of details of the pump Check of a condition of details of the drive of the oil pump Head of the block of cylinders and valvate mechanism
5. Transmission
6. Running gear
7. Tires, wheels
8. Steering
9. Brake management
10. Body
11. Electric equipment
12. Electrical circuitries


4-9-3-4-maslyanyjj-nasos.html Oil pump

Oil pump of engines of fashion. 331, 3317 and 3313

1 – leading gear wheel;

2 – the conducted gear wheel;

3 – reducing valve;

4 – valve plunger;

5 – an oil receiver with the mesh filter;

And – a forcing cavity;

B – an absorption cavity

Oil pump of engines of fashion. 331, 3317 and 3313 is not, as at the engine of fashion. In 2106 separate knot, and it is built from the entering details in special boring of a forward cover of a chain of the drive of the camshaft.

After dismantling (boring) to wash out all details and a cavity of the pump kerosene or gasoline.

To check a set of probes a gap between diameter of boring in a cover of asterisks and outer diameters of gear wheels which should not exceed 0,1–0,2 mm (limit 0,25 mm). At the same time to check a gap on the gear wheel width which can be adjusted by selection of laying and has to make 0,1–0,19 mm.

After installation of gear wheels in a cover of asterisks to check their rotation. Gear wheels have to freely, without jammings to rotate by hand.

To check the reducing valve 3. To pay attention to the surfaces of the valve and case as possible pollution or existence of resinous deposits on the interfaced surfaces can lead to jamming of the valve. On the interfaced surfaces, there should not be забоин also agnails which can lead to reduction of pressure in system. Flywheel Check of details of the pump