4-8-8-4-natyazhitel.html Natyazhitel Specification for check of a spring of a natyazhitel
For dismantling of a natyazhitel of a chain to remove the cap-type nut 1 (see rice. A section of a natyazhitel of a chain), a cracker 9 and a spring ring 4 then to take out a plunger 7, a spring 5 and a core 3 together with a spring 8 and a washer 6.
Assembly should be made upside-down.
When checking to pay attention whether is not present on a cracker 9 and a core of 3 zadir, and on the interfaced surfaces of a boot and a plunger of a natyazhitel of a chain deep рисок. To replace the damaged details.
Elasticity of a spring of a natyazhitel has to be in the limits specified in the drawing; at smaller elasticity to replace a spring.
To check whether there is no increased wear on a boot and an uspokoitel; in need of them to replace.