1. To establish a head of the block of cylinders on a board. |
2. To disconnect a final collector and an inlet pipe with the carburetor (to remove at the same time a zabornik of hot air). |
3. To disconnect a final branch pipe of the cooling shirt. |
4. To disconnect the bringing tube from a heater radiator. |
5. To remove levers 11 (fig. Details of the valvate mechanism) of valves, exempting them from springs 12. To remove springs of levers. |
6. To weaken lock-nuts 14, to turn out adjusting bolts 13 and plugs of 15 adjusting bolts. |
7. To install adaptation, as shown in rice. Removal of springs of valves to squeeze springs of valves and to release crackers. Instead of figurative adaptation it is possible to use also stationary adaptation. |
8. To remove springs of valves with plates and basic washers. To turn a head of the block of cylinders and to take out valves from its lower party. |
9. To remove maslootrazhatelny caps from the directing plugs. |
10. Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders is made upside-down. |