Technical characteristic. AZLK 2141 (Muscovite)
Service and car repairs of 2141 - the Muscovite.
1. General data
2. Engines
3. Power supply system
4. Cooling system
5. Transmission
6. Running gear
7. Tires, wheels
8. Steering
9. Brake management
10. Body
11. Electric equipment
11.1. Wires and safety locks
11.2. Block of safety locks and relay
11.3. Scheme of internal connections of the block of safety locks and relay
11.4. Rechargeable battery
11.5. Electric equipment installed on cars of fashion. 2141-01, 2335
11.6. Electric equipment (21412-01, 214122, 214123 and 23352, 233522, 233523)
11.6.1. Generator 581.3701
11.6.2. Starter 4216.3708
11.6.3. System of ignition of the engine of fashion. 331i 3317
11.6.4. System of ignition of the engine of fashion. 3313 Possible malfunctions of microprocessor system of ignition Ways of detection of malfunctions of MPSZ Controller of electronic ignition Technical characteristic Ignition coils Spark plugs Inductive sensors Temperature sensor Control system of the economizer of compulsory idling
11.7. Electric equipment (2141-01, 21412-01, 214122, 214123 e 2335, 23352, 233522, 233523)
11.8. Control devices
12. Electrical circuitries


11-6-4-3-1-tekhnicheskaya-kharakteristika.html Technical characteristic

Range of change of frequency
entrance signal of a reference mark
(BUT) (range of change of frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine), Fn.o., Hz (min.-1)
0,41 – 1,33 (25 – 8000)
Amplitude of tension of an entrance signal BUT (conclusions 08, 19), In
0,25 – 100
Range of change of frequency of an entrance signal of the angular impulses (AI), Fu.i., Hz
47 – 15300
Amplitude of an entrance signal of UI (conclusions 09, 18), In
0,2 – 100
Range of management of the ignition advancing corner (IAC) concerning transition through zero level entrance a whitefish -
cash BUT (conventional units)
- 20 – +70
Range of the measured relative pressure, kPa (mm of mercury.)
0 82,66 (0 – 620)
Power consumption, W, no more
Power supply of the controller from onboard network, In
6 – 16
Output tension on a conclusion of "UPR EPHH" at loading
33 Ohm and the feeding voltage of 16 V, In (not less)
Rated current of disconnection on a conclusion of K3 (1, 4), K3 (2, 3) at joint stock company the tivny resistance of primary winding of the coil of ignition of 0,4 Ohms and inductance 2,5 мГн, And
Entrance tension from temperature sensor, In
0 – 5
Hindrance amplitude on entrances of HO1 and HO2, In, no more
1,2 Controller of electronic ignition Ignition coils