Technical characteristic of the distributor of ignition. AZLK 2141 (Muscovite)
Service and car repairs of 2141 - the Muscovite.
1. General data
2. Engines
3. Power supply system
4. Cooling system
5. Transmission
6. Running gear
7. Tires, wheels
8. Steering
9. Brake management
10. Body
11. Electric equipment
11.1. Wires and safety locks
11.2. Block of safety locks and relay
11.3. Scheme of internal connections of the block of safety locks and relay
11.4. Rechargeable battery
11.5. Electric equipment installed on cars of fashion. 2141-01, 2335
11.6. Electric equipment (21412-01, 214122, 214123 and 23352, 233522, 233523)
11.6.1. Generator 581.3701
11.6.2. Starter 4216.3708
11.6.3. System of ignition of the engine of fashion. 331i 3317 Distributor of ignition 47.3706 Technical characteristic of the distributor of ignition Dismantling, survey, repair and assembly of the distributor of ignition B115-V ignition coil Spark plugs Economizer of Compulsory Idling (ECI) EPHH control unit Sensor screw of provision of a butterfly valve EPHH electromagnetic valve Sensor of emergency pressure of oil
11.6.4. System of ignition of the engine of fashion. 3313
11.7. Electric equipment (2141-01, 21412-01, 214122, 214123 e 2335, 23352, 233522, 233523)
11.8. Control devices
12. Electrical circuitries

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11-6-3-1-1-tekhnicheskaya-kharakteristika-raspredelitelya-zazhiganiya.html Technical characteristic of the distributor of ignition

Corner of the Closed Condition of Contacts (CCCC)
50 ° ± 2 °30'
Gap between contacts of the breaker (it is allowed about - believe in the absence of the stand for check of UZSK), mm
0,45 ± 0,05
Effort of pressing of contacts of the breaker, N (kgf)
5 – 6 (0,5 – 0,6)
The maximum frequency of rotation of the roller of the distributor, at a cat a swarm is provided bespereby aching sparking on a camp -
dartny three-electrode иголь chaty rated sportsmen with a spark interval of 7 mm, mines-1, not less
Condenser capacity, мкф
0,18 – 0,26
Deviation in alternation of sparks (asynchronism), a hail, no more
±1 Distributor of ignition 47.3706 Dismantling, survey, repair and assembly of the distributor of ignition